Root Canal Treatment
We know from interactions with our patients that it is soothing for them to be able to receive modern dental treatment at a cheerful, friendly clinic they are comfortable dealing with, administered by a competent, devoted team they can rely on.
What is a Root Canal?
When a large cavity in a tooth penetrates the nerve chamber, or in certain situations when a tooth fractures or becomes non vital (dead) because of dental damage, root fillings or root canal procedures are required. Root filling entails removing germs and diseased or dead nerves from within the tooth, followed by cleaning and sanitising the root canals before filling them to seal them.
In the root canal of every tooth, there is a nerve chamber and a blood supply. These nerves are usually active in a healthy tooth. Front teeth typically have one root that anchors them in the jaw bone; however, rear teeth might have two, three, or four.
Bacteria can lead to nerve death if a large cavity in a tooth enters the nerve chamber. The root canals can get inflamed, and an infection can develop in the jawbone under the root(s) of the tooth. Pain (which can be severe at times) can happen during this phase, and the infection can progress.
What is the course of action? +
Treatment is often administered over one, two, or three appointments, with additional visits on occasion. The therapy aims to remove germs and decaying tissue from within the tooth and clean and sterilise the root canals. This is achieved by creating a tiny hole into the nerve chamber, identifying and quantifying the root canals, and then cleaning and enlarging them with micro equipment. To alleviate any discomfort, a local anaesthetic is administered during the surgery.
Magnification helps in maneuvering the instrumentation of these complex channels to the tooth, and the tooth is typically isolated if feasible to ensure the region is dry and clean. The files employed to clear the root canals are single-use, and a fresh, new set of files is used for every patient.
After cleaning, the canals are covered to prevent re-infection. Most infections will begin to recover at this stage.
Many individuals report relatively minor discomfort after treatment, although it is possible to feel nothing. Endodontics is the unit of dentistry that deals with root canal procedures.
Is the procedure painful? +
How long does it take to complete the treatment? +
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North Lane Dental Practice
38 North Lane Aldershot GU12 4QG
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10.00 AM β 5.00 PM